The sun

The sun
"The sun" (2 years).

The sun influences our comfort, health and the environment. Young children quickly learn to identify the brilliant and bright ball of light in the sky.

The sun aligns with The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) as children learn respect for the environment (2.4) and become involved in researching and investigating (4.2).

Learning experiences

Be sun safe

Learn about sun safety with early childhood learning resources, including learning experiences, by SunSmart.

Observe the sun

Without looking directly at the sun (for safety reasons), observe how it travels through the sky over the course of one day. Where is the sun when we arrive at childcare? Where is it when our parents arrive?

Make a simple sundial by poking a long stick into dirt or sand. Choose a place in your yard where it will be sunny for the entire day. Observe how the shadow from the stick changes as the sun moves through the sky.

Shine a torch on a globe of the world to simulate the sun. Observe how some parts of the world are light while others are dark.

Get sensory

Make sun-themed sensory shaker bottles. Add water, vegetable oil, yellow food dye and bits and pieces that are shining or golden.

Make land art

Children can arrange natural items like seed pods, flowers and pebbles on the ground outside, so they form the shape of the sun. Children can work individually or collaborate on a large sun.

Plant sunflowers

Is it spring or early summer? Plant sunflowers in your garden. If you plant them in a circle they will look like a giant sun that children can play in.

Explore related topics

Extend your learning about the sun into these areas:


National Geographic: The sun