The sky, space and the universe

"Space... this planet is venus" (5 years).

The sky gives children a sense of wonder about the unknown and shows them something much bigger than themselves. Children can appreciate the sky by standing outside and looking up. The view is mesmorising!

Toddlers may identify the shapes of stars and moons, and point to them in the sky. Preschool children may be ready for project work about the universe.

EYLF learning outcomes

The Early Years Learning Framework asks children to become socially responsible and show respect for the environment (2.4), and this includes the entire universe!

To research and investigate space (4.2), preschool children will most likely use technologies like telescopes and the internet (4.4). Space inspires curiosity, imagination, and creative thinking (4.1).

Learning experiences


Space is a popular project in early childhood education. The possibilities are as expansive as space itself and children can take the learning in unexpected directions.

Explore these topics: air, aliens, earth and other planets, spacecraft, stars, the moon, the sun, birds and weather.

Observe the sky

Observe and discuss the sky at different times of the day, noting changes in colour, cloud cover, and weather. Take photos of interesting observations and record data on a chart.

Play sky bingo

Educators create a checklist with pictures of things that people might see in the sky (e.g. planes, the sun, a kite). Children observe the sky and mark off an item when they see it.

Make a sky-themed sensory bottle

Place loose parts and water tinted with blue food dye inside an empty soft drink bottle. Use various shades of blue and white materials such as beads or sequins. Place the lid on and shake.

Use a telescope or binoculars

Try to locate a set of binoculars or a telescope so children can use authentic tools to observe the sky. Children will learn the purpose of this equipment when they can see distant objects up close.

If you cannot obtain access, help children make pretend ones from rolled-up pieces of paper or cardboard tubes.

Research artists

The sky is a popular theme for artists. View various artworks that feature the sky or space, reflect on their materials and techniques, and use them as inspiration for your own artworks.



