

Summer is a special season in Australia, but it means different things to different children, including:

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) asks children to connect with their world and show respect for the environment (2.4).

Learning experiences

  • Observe herbs and vegetables in your garden that are turning to seed. Discuss the life cycle of plants. Observe other plants in your neighborhood. Which ones have lost their leaves this summer?
  • Get creative with water play. Freeze large blocks of ice and add them to your trough.
  • Freeze your own juice cups. Let each child pour juice into their own cup before placing it in the freezer. Enjoy a cold treat on a hot day.
  • Explore the sun. Ask children what they know about it, research their questions and document their ideas. Use the sun as inspiration for paintings - offer the children yellow, orange, red and light blue paints.
  • Encourage children to cool down by folding and decorating concertina paper fans. Provide them with a large piece of cardboard to make one giant fan.


Curious Kids: How can we keep our bodies cool on hot days