Rivers, lakes and waterways


Rivers and lakes are the heart of many Australian communities. Children may be interested in the waterways in their local area, including creeks, estuaries and wetlands. 

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) asks children to connect with places (4.4) and show respect for the environment (2.4).

Children may also like boats.

Learning experiences

  • Build a river in your sandpit. Dig out the river bed and build up the banks before testing it with water. Can you make the water flow or does it just sink into the sand?
  • Create a miniature river in a large tray or trough. Use sand, pebbles, and water.
  • Visit a river in your neighbourhood. Practice skipping pebbles across the water or have a leaf-boat race.
  • Speak with First Nations people in your local area. Ask if they can share cultural stories about a nearby river.
  • Dance with bed sheets, parachutes, scarves or sarongs. Can you make them move like a flowing river?
  • Talk about river safety. How can you stay safe near the river. What should you do if it floods?



Picture books

The River by Sally Morgan and Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr


National Geographic: 

Geoscience Australia:


Victoria State Government: Yarra River and River of Words

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