EYLF Learning Outcome 5

Children are effective communicators

Effective communication is empowering. Children can learn to express their ideas and receive information from other people. Early childhood educators can help children fall in love with mark making, languages, mathematics, and the arts.

Children's interests and EYLF 5

The Interest Forest is an online programming tool and a large collection of children's interests. We've matched each interest to relevant learning experiences.

These interest topics directly relate to learning outcome five and communication:

These topics relate to emerging writing skills:

The topics connect to communication through self-expression:

Many early childhood educators do not realise that learning outcome five also relates to mathematics.

Patterns are a significant interest topic as they occur within language systems and maths.

Sub-outcomes for EYLF 5

  • 5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.
  • 5.2 Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts.
  • 5.3 Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media.
  • 5.4 Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.
  • 5.5 Children use digital technologies and media to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking.

Explore the EYLF

Explore all the EYLF Learning Outcomes, with links to children's interest topics, on The Interest Forest.