EYLF 5.2

Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts

Early childhood educators can provide a diverse range of age-appropriate books for children to access freely, read with an educator, or listen to in a group.

These aren't limited to children's picture books, and can include:

  • cooking books
  • telephone directories
  • novels
  • and encyclopedias

Promote diversity by reading books written in languages other than English.

Introduce children to other texts and media forms, like printed brochures, posters, flash cards, photos, product packaging and (e.g. cereal boxes).

Also, integrate literacy and technology. Teach children how to access information using the internet.

Children's interests and EYLF 5.2

The Interest Forest is an online programming tool featuring hundreds of children's interest topics. The following topics directly relate to EYLF 5.2.

Explore the different ways texts appear in our world:

Explore the EYLF

Explore other areas of Learning Outcome 5, Children are effective communicators.

Explore all the EYLF Learning Outcomes, with links to children's interest topics, on The Interest Forest.