Travel and transport


Children may be interested in transport if they love noisy things that move. An interest can also develop after a personal experience, such as travelling on a holiday.

EYLF learning outcomes

Children are surrounded by transport, and the Early Years Learning Framework has the learning outcome of children being connected with their world (2). Learning about public transport helps children develop a sense of belonging to communities (2.1).

Transport connects children to machines and technologies (4.4). Dramatic play with transport toys encourages curiosity, imagination (4.1) problem solving and experimenting (4.2).

Learning experiences

Learn about transport types

Young children can be excited to learn about new types of transport, including:

Make pretend passports

Show children a real passport. Let them carefully turn the pages and discuss its different features. If there are stamps in the passport, the children may become interested in countries and culture.

Encourage children to make their own passports with pens and paper. They can draw or glue in a picture of themselves. Educators will need to help children staple the pages together.

Community connections

Visit a travel agency

Organise an excursion to a local travel agency so the children can learn about different destinations and the process of booking a holiday. Alternatively, ask a travel agent to visit your service and talk to the children. Ask if they can bring a few interesting brochures.

Visit a museum

Many communities in Australia have transport museums. Look for one in your local area and organise an excursion.

Go for a walk

Go for a short walk near your service. How many different forms of transportation can the children spot? Take a clipboard or a camera to write, draw or take photos of what they see.


Picture books

  • Are We There Yet? By Alison Lester
  • Journey Home by Alison Lester
  • Dirt by Sea by Michael Wagner and Tom Jellett
  • Our Home on Wheels by Jessica and Stephen Parry-Valentine