EYLF 4.2

Children develop a range of learning and thinking skills and processes such as problem-solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating

Even without adult intervention, children are natural scientists. Early childhood educators do not need to teach children to investigate their world, but they can definitely support them along the way.

Provide children with:

  • materials
  • tools
  • information resources
  • uninterrupted blocks of time
  • safe spaces for child-led play
  • encouragement and enthusiasm.

Children's interests and EYLF 4.2

The Interest Forest is an extra-large collection of children's interests. We have researched each one and listed relevant learning experiences. Early childhood educators can use our website for programming and planning.

These are the interest topics associated with learning outcome 4.2.

Early childhood educators can integrate all areas of STEM and STEAM into their program, including:

Educators can teach children the process of problem solving, which includes using books to find the required information.

Many of the skills in this learning outcome can be easily developed through nature play.

Explore the EYLF

Explore other areas of Learning Outcome 4, Children are confident and involved learners.

Explore all the EYLF Learning Outcomes, with links to children's interest topics, on The Interest Forest.