Children develop a growth mindset and learning dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity
Early childhood educators can provide children with flexible and open-ended opportunities for play. All day, every day!
The Early Years Learning Framework asks children to “use play to investigate, experiment, test hypotheses, imagine and explore ideas”, and educators to “provide feedback to children focused on effort and process over outcome or product”.
Children's interests and EYLF 4.1
The Interest Forest is a programming tool for Australian early childhood educators, providing hundreds of researched children's interest topics. The following interests relate to learning outcome 4.1.
Art and self-expression promotes creativity and imagination. Remember there are many art forms, including performance art, so think outside the box when planning activities. It will teach your children to do the same.
Games with rules and friendships promote cooperation and confidence.
Children can become curious about many things, especially:
- nature play
- books
- and STEM.
Problem solving requires children to have commitment and persistence.
Children learn reflexivity when they reflect on their experiences and the consequences of their actions. Early childhood educators can intentionally develop reflexivity (even in young babies) by teaching children about cause and effect.
When educators extend children's interests they are teaching enthusiasm.
Explore the EYLF
Explore other areas of Learning Outcome 4, Children are confident and involved learners.
Explore all the EYLF Learning Outcomes, with links to children's interest topics, on The Interest Forest.