Tummy time

Tummy time

Tummy time is essential for all children's gross motor development and is one of the first learning experiences a young baby will engage in. Tummy time provides the strength and foundation for crawling. Early childhood educators working in a baby's room can prioritise moments for tummy time within the daily routine.

Firstly, consider your resources. Do you have an appropriate location that is safe and supportive for young babies to lie on their tummies? Are your staff freely available to supervise and provide encouragement during this time? Babies will benefit most when the experience is social and positive.

EYLF Learning Outcomes

Tummy time is a major part of a baby's development and aligns with the Early Years Learning Framework. Tummy time supports children to become strong in their physical learning and wellbeing (3.2), gain emerging autonomy (1.2), and gain learning dispositions such as curiosity, confidence, commitment, enthusiasm, and persistence (4.1).

Learning experiences

Make tummy time enjoyable

Unfortunately, not all children enjoy tummy time. Early childhood educators can encourage babies to be in this position by:

  • starting with short sessions, gradually increasing in length
  • providing reassurance through gentle touch and a soft voice
  • getting down to the child’s level for eye contact
  • encouraging siblings or peers to join in
  • and offering a variety of soft pillows or an educator’s lap for support.

Extend the learning

Children who enjoy tummy time will benefit from the following sensory and gross motor experiences. They may also engage children who need extra encouragement. Educators can:

  • place colourful toys within reach
  • use mirrors for self-recognition
  • play gentle music or sing songs
  • set  up a sensory mat with different textures
  • and incorporate finger puppets or soft books.

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