The New Year

The new year

Some childcare centres close a while before New Year's Eve on 31st December,  while others operate into the evening when the celebrations have already started. The New Year is a special time for Australians. Children will notice the vibrant atmosphere and may attend a fireworks display with their family.

New Year celebrations align with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). They inspire curiosity, imagination and creativity (4.1). They help children develop a strong sense of identity (1), a sense of belonging (2.1), and connect with people and place (4.4).

Learning experiences

  • Tell stories about new beginnings and fresh starts.
  • Discuss the future and what the children hope to achieve in the new year. Create a vision board to represent their goals and aspirations.
  • Create a new year's time capsule with items from the current year. Bury it in your playground and dig it up in twelve months.
  • Make a new year's memory book with pictures, stories, and mementos from the past year.
  • Make a new year's timeline that shows events and highlights of the past year.
  • Make new year's decorations such as streamers, confetti, and banners. Have a party!


  • What made you proud this year?
  • What was the best thing that happened this year?
  • What have you learned this year?
  • What happened this year?
  • Who was a good friend to you this year?
  • What do you want to happen next year?

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