Messy play

Messy play

Educators who are brave enough to embrace messy play are supporting fundamental areas of child development. Messy play is less about mess, and more about developing:

EYLF Learning Outcomes

The Early Years Learning Framework supports messy play as children:

  • develop curiosity and imagination (4.1)
  • develop skills in problem-solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating (4.2)
  • transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another (4.3)
  • and connect with natural and processed materials (4.4).

Learning experiences

Explore new materials

Get creative with the materials you choose for messy play. Real mess can be made with simple materials placed in a tub or on a table.

Natural materials include mud, water, sand, and dirt. Also, flowers can be crushed to produce a coloured liquid.

Man-made materials include slime, soap, bubbles, water beads, food colouring, and shaving cream.

Make a food mess

Playing with food is a controversial topic in Australian early childhood education. However, there are endless edible substances for messy play. Try squeezing tinned spaghetti through your fingers or punching into a bowl of jelly.

Try emptying your kitchen cupboards and spreading bits and pieces you find across a table. No rules. Let the children investigate and manipulate.

Cooking experiences that don't waste food can also be forms of messy play, or they can at least offer the same sensory benefits. Try baking bread or biscuits, so children can get hands-on with dough.

A simple idea (for non-cooks) is to buy pre-rolled puff pastry. Let the sheets thaw for a few minutes. Children can twist strips or mould them into shapes. Bake the pieces in the oven (around 200 degrees Celsius).

Conduct experiments

Popular early childhood science experiments can be considered messy play. Try mixing bicarb and vinegar together, or feeling ice cubes melt in your fingers. Mix your own slime, goop, or playdough.

Use tools and utensils 

Basic kitchen utensils make messy play extra fun. Children can learn maths concepts like measurement as they strengthen their hand muscles. Provide spoons, scoops, cups, jugs and tongs, for your children to use with messy substances.