

Children can play with different forms of magnets: fridge magnets, letter magnets, bar magnets, magnetic blocks, magnetic drawing boards, and flexible strip magnets that they can cut up and use for craft projects.

Magnets support children's cognitive development as they relate to science and metal.

EYLF Learning Outcomes

Magnets are interesting materials (4.4) that connect with the Early Years Learning Framework. Magnet play develops fine motor (3.2) and cognitive skills (4.2). They can teach learning dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity (4.1). 

Learning experiences

Experiment with magnets

Children can:

  • test the strength of different magnets
  • explore which materials are magnetic
  • observe how magnets attract or repel each other
  • and learn how magnets work through different materials like paper or plastic.

Play with magnets

Children can use magnets to:

  • pick up small metal objects
  • play with metal shavings
  • write their name using magnetic letters
  • and make decorative magnets as gifts.

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