Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another
Early childhood educators can apply this area of The Early Years Learning Framework to any child's interest. How can you help them repeat the things they like to do?
Children's interests and EYLF 4.3
The Interest Forest is a large collection of children's interests and an online tool for programming and planning. We have matched hundreds of interest topics with relevant learning experiences and the EYLF learning outcomes.
To develop skills in EYLF 4.3, use our childrens interests tool to find a topic your children are currently interested in. Find new ways for children to be engaged with this topic. You may decide to:
- change the learning environment (e.g. read books outside instead of inside, or draw on the floor instead of a table)
- change the resources (e.g. provide a different type of scissors for cutting, or a new style of jigsaw puzzle)
- involve friends (e.g. encourage children to solve a problem as a team).
- start an ongoing project, to investigate the topic in multiple ways.
EYLF 4.3 directly relates to mirrors and patterns.
- Play with mirrors. Pretend you are a mirror and copy their movements. The EYLF asks children to “develop an ability to mirror, repeat and practice the actions of others, either immediately or later”.
- Play with patterns. The EYLF asks educators to “draw children’s attention to patterns and relationships in the environment and in their learning”.
Explore the EYLF
Explore other areas of Learning Outcome 4, Children are confident and involved learners.
Explore all the EYLF Learning Outcomes, with links to children's interest topics, on The Interest Forest.