EYLF 1.2

Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and agency

Children succeed when the adults in their lives believe they can do incredible things. Early childhood professionals can empower children in their care by focusing on the things they can do, rather than their limitations.

Introduce opportunities for children to challenge themselves and expand their abilities. There are endless ways to incorporate children's independence into daily routines and the learning environment. Let them try, and be there to offer support when they need you.

Children's interests relevant to EYLF 1.2

The Interest Forest is an online programming tool with a collection of hundreds of children's interest topics. EYLF 1.2 directly relates to our topic of independence, agency and self-help skills

Educators can:

  • recognise children's individual achievements by holding celebrations
  • write a list of classroom rules and encourage children to stand up for their rights
  • encourage children to choose and support meaningful causes in their community or world
  • provide resources, like books, so children can use information to guide their decision making
  • discuss the concept of growing up and the process of learning new things.

Explore the EYLF

Explore other areas of Learning Outcome 1, Children have a strong sense of identity.

Explore all the EYLF Learning Outcomes, with links to children's interest topics, on The Interest Forest.