EYLF 1.1

Children feel safe, secure and supported

Early childhood educators can welcome all children to their service, helping them to feel comfortable, safe and included. Establishing a sense of belonging and fostering friendships are powerful teaching practices.

Educators can think about how to balance the needs and interests of individual children, small groups of children, and the entire group. How can diverse children come together, to share the same space, in harmony?

Children's interests linked to EYLF 1.1

The Interest Forest is an online programming tool featuring hundreds of children's interest topics. Our topic of safety and security directly relates to EYLF 1.1.

Educators can:

  • teach children about their emotions, so they can identify the feelings associated with being safe, secure and supported.
  • help children form meaningful friendships with other children that are caring and kind.
  • teach children which adults they can trust.
  • promote diversity and inclusion which will help children feel accepted within their group, even if they have differences. A sense of belonging helps children feel safe, secure and supported.

Explore the EYLF

Explore other areas of Learning Outcome 1, Children have a strong sense of identity.

Explore all the EYLF Learning Outcomes, with links to children's interest topics, on The Interest Forest.